Allmax CLA 95 is the safest and most natural way to lose weight
On June 24, 2008 the FDA officially approved CLA as a food product, stating that CLA is regarded as safe for use in foods.
Allmax CLA 95 is the highest quality, purity, and potency conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) available
Recently confirmed, gold standard scientific studies have proven that supplementation with CLA decreases body fat by reducing the absorption of digested fat into your fat cells.
CLA works to reduce body fat by preventing fat accumulation in fat cells. Fat normally enters the fat cell through a door that is controlled by an enzyme that acts as the key. By acting on this enzyme, CLA keeps the door locked. When the door is locked, fat cannot enter the cells and they are prevented from increasing in size. The less fat present in the cells, the smaller and less mature they become. This helps to reduce the level of fat in your body. The increased breakdown of fat helps to fuel and preserve muscle mass, which in turn increases lean muscle mass.
Allmax CLA 95 contains a full 95% active CLA isomers; 950 mg of pure CLA per 1000 mg soft gel capsule. Powered by Clarinol™ CLA – world-renowned for purity, potency, and quality.
“When consumers see the Clarinol™ logo, they can be assured that the diet product they have purchased is highly researched and effective.”
“We are proud to offer an ingredient that is poised to revolutionize the diet industry and ultimately help consumers with their weight management,” Katinka Abbenbroek, Marketing Director for Lipid Nutrition, a division of Loders Croklaan.
An effective, healthy, natural and non-stimulating fat loss solution is available at last!
Allmax CLA 95 is produced in a pharmaceutically licensed, government inspected, CGMP registered facility.
CLA has been found to promote the body's natural fat metabolism making it easier to get your body in shape. Several studies investigating the effects of CLA on weight management and body composition confirm this.